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Care of Crested Geckos

Crested Geckos are one of the easiest reptiles to care for in captivity. They are docile, easy to handle and tend to be quite hardy. The Crested Gecko is an especially great option for first-time

reptile owners!

Care of Crested Geckos: Services

Crested Gecko Quick Facts

Correlophus ciliatus

  • Native to New Caledonia, originally discovered in 1866

  • Thought to be extinct until rediscovery in 1994

  • Can live in captivity for 10-15+ years

  • Semi-arboreal species of gecko. It's natural diet includes a variety of fruits, nectars and insects. 

  • In captivity their diet includes complete and balanced gecko Meal Replacement Formula (such as Pangea or Repashy Crested Gecko diets) with intermittent feeding of insects (such as Dubia roaches or crickets). 

  • Recommended humidity range of 65-80%. 

  • This species is heat sensitive, and typically doesn't require any additional heat. Ideal temperature gradient is 65-78F. 

  • Unlike some species of geckos, the Crested Gecko does not regrow it's tail if dropped. This does not tend to pose any healthy issues, and most adults in the wild are found without tails. 

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